OM, I think that just builds the theory that this is a problem of systems being over whelmed and unable to detox. The big polymorphism in the autism community seems to be MTHFR C677t. The Mother f'er mutation as it is not so lovingly referred to. That is why methylation cycle support along with supporting all detox pathways is likely key.
You gotta support the gut, get the lungs free of mucus, support the lymph...
deltaforce, they dont exhibit it as depression. High seratonin has been linked to these physical symptoms and they display it in the gut.
Nasal stuffiness or congestion
Allergic-type symptoms and allergies
Cold or flu-like symptoms
Acne and other skin disorders
Insomnia and other sleep problems
Impaired intellectual functioning
Difficulty concentrating and learning
Poor memory; amnesia
Difficulty making decisions and acting on them
Difficulty making plans and implementing them
Muddled thinking; brain fog
Lack of desire or interest
Emotional flatness or dullness
Hearing loss or noises in the ears
Altered sense of smell; strange smell in nose