I am new to this forum and am hoping it will be a good source of information and support. My background:
-Symptoms started August 2012. I pushed off going to the dr until May 2013
-Had sigmoid and diagnosed with UC May 2013. Started Lialda both oral and rectal form
-That worked for a week or two. In hospital for 3 days end of May 2013 and put on Prednisone
-Back in the hospital a few days later because I couldn't hold down food so I couldn't take my pills. Was in hospital for almost 3 weeks. While there they found that my entire colon was effected and my inflammation was more severe than they originally thought. By end of stay, they started Remicade alongside 60 mg of Prednisone.
-First Remicade treatment done June 18th(on my 30th birthday while in the hospital)
-Second Remicade treatment done July 5 (finally outpatient) and it kicked my butt! I was in bed for 3 days!!And I felt NO different. everyone kept telling me I was getting better compared to the previous month but I felt no different. I was still bloated, gassy, no change in stool other than going once a day, and no decrease in pain.
-Tapered down to 40 mg of prednisone and this week ended up back in the hospital due to more continued diahrrea. They were concerned for dehydration. and Diarrhea started after trying grilled salmon at a resturaunt, but I had also been feeling achy and tired and just not good for 2 days before that
-So its Friday July 19 and I have been in the hospital since Tuesday July 16. And have since opened a can of worm because the doctors are STUMPED!!
-Colonoscopy done and showed a lot of inflammation and blood throughout the entire colon still AND now they think it may be Crohns disease and not UC. They also did a barium xray and I don't think that has even given then a definite answer as to which diagnosis it is.
-So I am quickly responding to IV steroids but I am obviously not responding to oral steroids and they decided I did NOT respond to Remicade.
-They have decided to put me on Humira which kind of scares me because of its side effects. Anywho- so hopefully I will start Humira today. But the biggest concern is what do we do about the steroid. I obviously need to be on a steroid but if my body is taking accepting them orally how am I supposed to manage this at home? so im still in the hospital so that I ca receive IV steroids in the mean time.
So its been a real struggle mentally and physically since June. I have lost over 50 lbs. I have missed so much work. Mentally I am worn out and have lost hope in so much. Friends and family don't quite understand the impact it has really had on my life. I have gone from being a semi-social food loving person to being stuck indoors resting with no physical strength to do much that can eat anything.
how do you deal with the new life change? Have you dealt with such a long, severe flare up? Has Remicade not worked but something else did? Is it just time to do surgery? Have you had the wrong diagnosis or confusion with the diagnosis?
Any insight on how to manage my new life would be great. I look forward to hearing from you and being a part of this new community.
thank you for reading :)