YES. Celestial seasonings came out with some holiday tea that had milk thistle as ingredient #1. Changed my urine to super bright yellow-green, I wondered if it glowed. As soon as I stopped drinking the tea ( I was consuming it daily for about
4 days) it was back to normal. I emailed Celestial Seasonings with this info as I thought at a minimum, they needed to explicitly state MT was a main ingredient of their tea. No response. Back to Bengal Spice.
If you are taking other herbal supplements in addition to any other meds you are on you should see if one is reacting with the Imuran. I also had my docs put me on 150mg Imuran and it totally bonked out my liver enzymes. I am on a lowish dose but am in the "therapeutic range"
I also tried many other herbal supplements (when nothing was working and I just couldn't stand the pred anymore) incuding yellow dock, and that also borked my liver enzymes.
I would report this to your doctor and provide him/her with the other meds and supplements you are taking.