How do I know if I am flaring again, or if I have an intolerance to my new mesalamine (Mezavant 2.4g per day)?
I was doing great on Pentassa, then my new GI want to do a fresh Colonoscopy on me. He could see some inflammation which he said was the cause of my weight loss / inability to gain weight, so he put me on 40g of Pred on a 6 week taper + changed my Pentassa for Mezavant.
I came off the Pred taper last week, and have had flare sypmtoms ever since (3-4 BM's per day, diarrhea, cramps etc..).
Is this a flare, or could it be side effects of the Mezavant, or withdrawal symptoms from the Pred?
Why are Mesalamine side effects described the same as UC symptoms? Do they have the same cause and effect? Is Mesalamine side effect diarrhea, the same as UC diarrhea? i.e inflamed Colon cannot absorb water?
All very confusing and frustrating, especially as I was doing so well on Pentassa before the new GI shook it all up.
Thanks for any advice.