Germanone: I am a big fan of Dr. Swidsinski.
Believe he has shown much of what is going on with UC.
Thank you,thank you,thank you, for the offer.
Old Mike
Questions:I may think of more later
1 Besides eliminating surfactants from the diet,and skin exposure,what else can we do.
2 Can we heal ourselves without prednisone or other powerful anti-inflammatories,by trying
to enhance mucus production by feeding goblet cells excess threonine and other amino acids
that build core mucins, or does the inflammation need to be quenched first.
3 Is there anyway to enhance glycosylation of the core mucins. Dietary mucin sugars or otherwise,
such as upregulation of glycosyltransferases,if possible. Also there is a patent I posted above,on ingesting
mucin,from animals,as a cure for UC.
4 What does he think of using protease inhibitors,this paper Camostat Mesilate is quite interesting,or the use of soybean Bowman Birk Inhibitor orally, or as a rectal enema.
Bowman Birk trial
5 Does he have any thoughts on what is causing the initial mucus weakness or breach, besides
emulsifiers,or antibiotics,infections. Possible dysbiosis,where high protease producing bacteria are present in the colon,such as oral bacteria with high protease activity.
6 Why does he think UC starts distally, mostly in the rectum.
7 Any indication that pesticide residues in food, are inhibiting mucus quality.
NEW question:
8 If there are in fact intramucosal bacteria in the non inflamed areas,are these bacteria turning off,or avoiding the
immune response. If so, it would seem they should not be there in the first place, but due to a weakened
mucus barrier they have penetrated into the mucosa. Are these bacteria also intracellular.
Post Edited (Old Mike) : 7/8/2014 12:06:54 PM (GMT-6)