Some experiments:
Take herbal antifungals and a low carb/ no carb diet for 6 weeks.. Include cinnamon and clove oils. To beat back any systemic colonization..
Reintro wheat WITH a pill of cinnamon and clove oil at the same time. I'd use 100% cinnamon bark oil and clove oil in an empty gelcap. I hour after eating I'd take l.paracasei and l planetarium and cultrelle..rhamanous gg and l. Reuteri click on pic for pdf[Then we take activated charcoal to bind the toxins and move them out.
Additionally, I wonder about
the use of honey as a sweetener after colonies have been reduced. here is an interesting twist.. Saccromyces ceraviase binds mycotoxins. Is the reaction we have when we eat bread the results of two funguses duking it out? Edited (PathogenKiller) : 10/4/2013 2:47:41 PM (GMT-6)