garylouisville said...
You make it sound so simple and it is not. We're talking about global implications and logistics here. There are many parts of the world, including in the US itself, where you cannot really grow either some things, or in some cases anything. Food imports and exports have been a way of life since B.C. and it is totally irrational to think that these parts of the world can just grow all their own food without having farmers, mass production, imports, and exports. Like it or not there is a food chain from the farmers through distribution to the grocery stores and their are zillions of jobs around the world connected to all this. Do we just tell all the farmers to go out of business, and just grow enough for themselves and tell all of the people who have non-farm jobs to quit their source of income and become their own farmers and fend for themselves (including senior citizens and the disabled)? No more retail stores, malls, doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, or anything? Every person in the world turns into their own farmer? Do we just relocate billions of people who live in poor areas where you can't grow anything such as colder climates and deserts?
The whole issue here is whether or not GMO's are toxic to humans. I'm not ready to say they are definitely the cause of gut problems in the western world, but THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT PROVEN. In fact, there is probably plenty of evidence to have them culled out of our food supply. That is the whole issue here. Are you fine with people getting sick in the name of "feeding the world", which is not even proven? Secondly, I'm not saying every individual needs to quit their job immediately and start growing their own food. I'm pretty sure that would result in mass starvations. But we have to gradually start moving away from the mega companies, the mega grocery stores, etc. We have to start spending our money on local farmers, and start getting to know where our food is coming from. There are so many benefits to this. The huge benefit of locality is consumers have more power. More choices on which farmers to get there food from. If food from a certain farmer is making you sick, you can switch to somebody else. You cannot do that right now. All of our food is really coming from only a few places. So when something is making you sick, people really have no choice because there's only one place to get the food. And there are only a few government bodies (FDA, USDA) which actually regulate the food supply. Monsanto has multiple former employees working in the FDA. Do you not see the conflict of interest here?
garylouisville said...
There is also a difference between legit concerns and fact. A concern implies possible worries but not cold hard facts. Just because there is a concern about something does not mean that those concerns will wind up being justified in the end. Also, like it or not, the power of money has been around since the dawn of time and isn't going away anytime soon. Wanting to make a buck isn't always a bad thing. In fact it is usually a good thing. You can't condemn everyone making money as being the devil when it is only a small percentage who take it to the extreme level and turn it into greed.
Money has not been around since the "dawn of time". Before money was invented people used to barter with goods and services. "Wanting to make a buck isn't always a bad thing". I don't disagree. But don't you see a conflict of interest when the FDA hires a high amount of former Monsanto employees?