First of all I want to say thanks to everybody for giving advice the past few days! It really is helping. I haven't been on much the past few months and now am posting like mad. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 non-curable cancer a few. months ago and I've been with her in WI quite a bit.
So I have plans tonight and am trying to lead a normal life here (aren't we all?). Just wondering, does anybody take anything if they want to go out or just have one night where they know they won't feel sick? Granted I'm eating a bland diet right now so not running to the bathroom a ton. By my lower back is killing me and I do have that achey feeling in my gut and urge to go sometimes. I do have hycosamine (which is like Bentyl). I also have some Tyelnol with codiene painkillers which I rarely take -I've had the same bottle for 1 1/2 years. I got them due to horrible menstral cramps I was getting while on Prednisone. I did take one Saturday night when I had horrible diarreha and it made me feel like nothing was wrong with me at all. Atlhough I didn't have the pressure in my bottom or horrible low back pain Saturday either, that started Sunday.
Thanks for any advice!