yes, well, the intimacy issue..... the actual fistula doesn't bother me during intercourse. However, if I'm having a bad stretch of days, then drainage from it is basically constant. Which leads me to avoid sex at all costs! Nothing like a little fecal matter to ruin the mood....
If the mood arises, I'll use the bathroom & wipe everything with a wet wipe, make sure things are clean, then have at it. Afterwards I do the same thing, clean up, dry off, etc. It does get irritated from time to time, & then I'll sit in hot epsom salt baths to let water flow thru it to really keep it clean. Thankfully my husband is really understanding- if my intestines are bothering me, it's not likely that we'll be doing anything! Fistula aside, when your stomach is upset, etc. intimacy doesn't look so hot. The
opening to my fistula is right below the vaginal
opening, sort of on the inside but not too far- you can see it with the naked eye. I think you'll be ok- just ensure that things are cleaned up well, sit in a hot bath, etc. & it shouldn't irritate it too much. Let me know what your GI says if you ask them about
it, I'm curious. It bothered me mentally a great deal for the first year or so, then I just sort of learned to live with it. Like so many other things!