Thoreau said...
Laughinduck... nobody has said anything about the removal of tonsils effecting my UC. We are just trying to figure my body out, and this was THE option that had any hope. My tonsils did hurt, they got sore, they were infected regularly. So... in the long run this is okay no matter what.
Thanks Lr21. It is rough, but just like any of our health problems on here... just taking it one day at a time gets you through it. I'll be feeling better in a week hopefully. Not completely better, but decent enough to not be doped up on lortab hopefully!
Well I hope you feel better regardless, and fingers crossed it also helps with your uc. I have psoriasis (another autoimmune condition) which is often linked to strep infection. I've read stories of people's skin clearing after tonsillectomy. Makes you wonder. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!