JohnPhx said...
I go back to work tomorrow maybe that's a good thing, but I'm really depressed right now.
You see, me and my sister (she is 55 yrs. old, I am 56) literally hate each other. She lives at home with my mom rent free, has been for many years. She hates everything I say and think, and I hate everything about her. I can't type this without making it sound one-sided so I won't do it.
Let's just say this evening I said something she didn't like, so she verbally attacked me over, and over, and over. Other family tried to step in, told her to stop, but I lost all my appetite and didn't eat dinner. I left just feeling very detached from all family, very depressed, and sad. This has been going on for years and I feel very sad about it because my mom lives over there and this affects everything. I could just ignore her for the rest of my life, but what a terrible existence.
So, so sad right now. I don't know what to do any more. I'm so anxious about this all I took some Ativan.
Gee I think I got it worse. I was supposed to be off for 3 weeks, worked round the clock for months to get it all done.
Then they realized sales sold nothing all 2013. So they laid off the highest salary IT people and less technical ops people who were immediately backfilled by young low-salary people from an agency.
So I got zero time off other than xmas day and jan 1. Meanwhile my bday, daughters bday and parents anniversary all fell within days of xmas.
Day after xmas a guy formatted the core of our only revenue generating database, he sacked a 1TB section of disk and wiped out the backups. So I have been working 24x7 emergency mode for a week straight.
Oh on the family front I finally determined who the ex-wife is marrying after he called me up and threatened to kill me.
I know his name.
I know he killed someone drunk behind the wheel of his car.
I know he has permanent restraining orders from his ex-wife, her husband and the woman he fathered a child with AND it includes protection of the child.
Glad I bought some guns, I went without guns during my drinking years but thats long since behind me.
Just waiting on my conceal carry license now.