thought I'd add this to Linda's feel good post - I went up to the play on the hill yesterday - it's been about
way too long since I was up there last - while it wasn't a perfect day, it was awesome just doing it and being there - and I didn't wipe out any little kids
what ever you can find to get yourself in a good place, even if it's just for a few minutes, please make it happen - yes, sometimes you really have to force yourself to have fun -
this crap sucks the life out of us, both physically AND mentally - we need to get as far away from those bad times as much as possible, even if we're too stinkin tired and depressed -
watch a funny movie, go to the pet store, call a friend, fart loudly (shart if you have to) in public, and if you are of the mind, get on some meds like Linda did - we're sick, so we need to treat the symptoms !
rock on kids !