@oldhat. She has inflammation in her terminal ileum and left sided colon. I do not think GI did any acidity test on her.
Specimen(s) Received
1: Duodenum, biopsy
2: Stomach, biopsy
3: Esophagus, distal, biopsy
4: Esophagus, mid, biopsy
5: Terminal ileum, biopsy
6: Cecum, biopsy
7: Colon, ascending, biopsy
8: Colon, transverse, biopsy
9: Colon, descending, biopsy
10: Colon, sigmoid, biopsy
11: Rectum, biopsy
Clinical History
The patient is an 8-year-old female with a history of colitis. Review
of prior surgical pathology report (November 2013) indicates primarily
an acute process with mild features of chronicity.
Procedure: EGD and colonoscopy w/biopsies.
Findings: A diffuse area of mildly granular, inflamed, ulcerated and
vascular pattern decreased mucosa was found in the rectum, in the
sigmoid colon, in the descending colon and in the proximal descending
colon. Gastritis, normal esophagus, normal duodenum.
Final Pathologic Diagnosis
1-Duodenum, biopsy: No pathologic diagnosis.
2-Stomach, biopsy:
Chronic gastritis.
Immunohistochemical stain for Helicobacter pending; results to be
reported as addendum.
3-Distal esophagus, biopsy: No pathologic diagnosis.
4-Mid esophagus, biopsy: Essentially normal squamous mucosa.
5-Terminal ileum, biopsy: Single focus of acute ileitis.
6-Cecum, biopsy: No pathologic diagnosis.
7-Ascending colon, biopsy: Essentially normal colonic mucosa.
8-Transverse colon, biopsy: Focal acute cryptitis.
9-Descending colon, biopsy:
Essentially normal colonic mucosa with Paneth cell metaplasia.
10-Sigmoid colon, biopsy: Focal acute colitis.
11-Rectum, biopsy:
Mild acute colitis, increased chronic inflammation in the lamina
propria, overall intact architecture and Paneth cell metaplasia.
There are scattered foci of somewhat mild acute colitis throughout the
colon. The only suggestion of chronicity is that of increased chronic
inflammation in the rectum and Paneth cell metaplasia throughout the
colon (except sigmoid). The differential diagnosis would include
primarily a resolving infectious process or early inflammatory bowel
disease; clinical correlation necessary.
By this signature, I attest that the above diagnosis is based upon my
personal examination of the slides (and/or other material indicated in
the diagnosis).
Post Edited (kamakya) : 3/4/2014 7:51:54 AM (GMT-7)