Scott Z said...
From my own perspective...having been diagnosed at age 14 (now almost 53), and missing months of high school (remember back in the 70's, they had nothing but hospitals and IV steroids), it is of UTMOST importance to get a support system.
****SURROUND yourself with people and things that are GOOD for you and your situation. Do not be afraid to DISCARD people and things that are not, they are of no use to what you matter how painful it may be to do it.
Never be afraid to ask for HELP when you need it. I cannot tell you anything of more importance than this. FOCUS on what your goal is, even if short term, and even though this disease is a part of your life, it is NOT your life. *******
You eat an elephant a piece at a time, steps on all of your goals.
I spent a lifetime learning this, and lived to be pretty darn successful and never let it stop me from traveling or doing anything, and am still beating this disease without ever having surgery! And, once again, 8 days into Simponi, I am having a great day...well, except I really shouldn't have eaten that unwich from Jimmy Johns yesterday, then cabbage rolls for aside from that, it's a great day stomach wise! We all live and learn.
I can honestly say, no matter how crapty (ha!...a pun) the bad times were when I was younger, it made me a better person today, and I can guarantee that for all of us in some way.
Thanks So much for that Scott :) Very good advice, and so true!!