Posted 3/7/2014 1:11 AM (GMT 0)
So as per my last scope I only have inflammation the the lower 10-15cm. My GI wants me to taper off asacol entirely and use only rectals as maintenance. He said to use my 1000mg salofalk suppositories nightly for 2 weeks then taper to every other night for on going maintenance. Does this sound ok? I told him I'm very worried that without the asacol the inflammation will return to the higher area where it was on the first scope. He wrote me a giant prescription for the asacol and told me if symptoms return to go back to nightly suppository and go back on the asacol, up to 6x 800mg pills per day, then taper back down etc etc. I like that he's kinda given me his opinion, but also a back up plan if things go poorly. Now, please remember I'm not officially diagnosed, so he's still kinda playing around to see what the inflammation will do, and also trying to determine lowest possibly dose to keep symptoms away. I've read that standard treatment for proctitis is suppositories only, and in patients in which this is a first flare up of it not to keep a maintenance plan unless it comes back. I've read this in a few places. Now, my GI wants me to keep up with the supps every other night as maintenance, so he's not suggesting no meds for me. Does this sound like a good plan to you? I mean, I could keep taking the asacol, I have enough prescription until I see him again in two months. Anyone out there just on rectals for proctitis?