dill emmana time here ----------
so for some unknown reason, me myself personally, is responsible for consuming a large quantity of crunchy p-nut butter and home jarred raspberry jam this week - am I in imminent danger, or only remotely slightly at risk of death from all the omega 6's ingested ?
is everyone susceptible to those very same dangers or is it just a select few that should immediately draw up a will upon finishing a quart of vegetable oil ?
I avoid all grains due to excessive pant poopage and other assorted ailments as a result of walking past the noodle, rice, and taco shell aisle at the grocery store - while garylooville can down a box of Honey Bunches of Wheaties everyday of his life without a care in the world -
we all react differently to just about
everything - but how do I know if o-6's are bad for Me ? is there a test or do I just wait a see what lurks around that dark corner ?
if I eat the good o 3's with the devilish o 6's will I avoid very very very bad things ?
just to be safe, I will not leave my room until I have an answer