I've been on uceris for over three weeks now, it's just works ok. I don't have formed stools and I still have blood. The combo of pred and uceris is great but you can't really do that long term.
I have a little "leakage" or infection down in my butt, maybe a fissure that reopened or something cuz it stains my underwear (gross I know!) but when I wipe it's like yellowish.
So back to GI on Thursday.
I've been on nystantin and diflucan for a month now too for yeast.
My blood work came back my WBC is a high 11.19 should not be higher than 11 and MONO and EOS are high to, so can indicate fighting infection and immune problems, correct???
So probably back on antibiotics. Also I'm working with my Lyme's doctor too :) Good docs rightn now.