Dreadsteel said...
Marauder93 said...
Just one point; to the people who say "I never get the vaccine and I never get the flu", you really do make yourself sound dumb. Most people dont take the preventative measures for most diseases and never get sick either, but this is a simple preventative measure that is readily available, so why not take it? Its certainly not going to hurt you.....
The mutation rate in the flu is so high that new strains develop rapidly and you can't take vaccines for every friggin flu out there, so basically you take vaccines for the old -predicted to be the trend this season- flu not the new ones.
If you are taking those "Vaccines" and you have a flu then please cover your mouth/nose and don't infect others, enjoy your medical scam and have a nice day.
Edit: you might want to see this lol
www.northstarnutritionals.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/flu20131.jpgYes, that is how the flu vaccine works; any first year science student can tell you that.
No one claims you are going to be immune to the flu, but it does reduce your chances of getting it. Also, just because the virus mutates doesnt mean the vaccine is no good. You would need a mutation in the specific antigens the vaccine uses to sensitize your body to the virus for that to occur.
In any case, for people like us who get messed up roally by the flu, why not give yourself the best chance of not getting it. Theres no harm in it, do I cant comprehend the logic... but w.e. its not my problem