garylouisville said...
Pred only works while you are on it. Hopefully while you are on it your colon heals enough that when you taper down and off your maintenance meds can keep you in remission. If your maintenance meds aren't good enough to keep you in remission then how you taper really won't make any long term difference in regards to your UC, all it does is delay the inevitable. If you have been on the higher dose long enough and your symptoms return as you taper the only difference in the taper will be how long it takes for your symptoms to return. If you taper faster, you will get worse faster and if you taper slower you will get worse slower. Either way it looks like your maintenance meds are not good enough to keep you in remission and that's the real problem, not in how fast or slow you taper the pred. The second reason to taper the pred slower is due to withdrawyl symptoms but right now that's not your problem either.
I agree, but there is also the adrenal restart side of that coin, if you cannot get your adrenal glands going ( I keep reading if prednisone 'works' you had adrenal problems keeping up with inflammation ).
So the slow taper near the adrenal ouptut level is critical to allow them to wake up and contribute, rapid taper creates damage without adrenal contribution.
Even then your may need MORE prednisone months later if you have surgery or extreme stress since your adrenals can elastically scale output from 8 to 80 when healthy, but certainly not after prednisone put them to sleep and shut them down. They ramp up slowly.