Why are you afraid of remicade? You should weigh the risk against the benefits. 60 percent of uc patients notice improvements in their symptoms on remicade. Side effects are extremely rare. The most scary of which is lymphoma and the odds are 4 in 10,000 (or 0.04%). Remicade infusions take 2-3 hours and are painless other than a brief needle prick when the nurse sets the IV. It can be boring, so bring a book, iPad, or other activity along. Prior to remicade, I was dependent on prednisone, having regular accidents, and bloody diarrhea. Now, I am in a symptomatic remission with one bm a day and no urgency.
My answers to your questions are in blue below:
mlena89 said...
if I test positive again can Cdiff kill me if I'm on remicade?No, CDIFF on remicade is no different than without.
should i tie up any loose ends at the dentist before going on remicade? before or after makes no difference. I've had dental cleanings and other work done since remi, no different.
Also, can I get any advice about this drug? Is a lifestyle change required once you go on it? No, I've been on remicade for over a year and my lifestyle hasn't changed. Well, I do feel healthier now but that was not your question. Am I more prone to infection or just more vulnerable once I contract one? Yes, you are more prone to UTIs, bronchitis, sinus infections, and should you get them they need medication sooner. Pretty much see your doctor as soon as you suspect you have one, rather than trying to wait it out. You do not have to worry about cuts and other little things or become a germaphobe or anything lol. You might have an extra cold a year, and instead of lasting a week, it might last 1.5 weeks.