I know it increased my fasting blood sugar. My FBS was normal but began to slowly rise around 2006 about
the same time I was beginning to experience UC symptoms. During my last flare it registered around 120, very close to what is considered diabetes. Since then it hovered around 100 which I consider an unacceptable level of pre-diabetes.
I mentioned this on our UC forum several times but apparently I am alone. Some have said their blood sugar was affected by meds such as prednisone but I wasn't taking any meds. Anyway I isolated the problem with my plastic drip coffee maker and now my fasting blood sugar level is consistently back into the 80's again.
If plastic can affect blood sugar is it possible that it also affects IBD? Here is my post in the diabetes forum:
IamCurious said...
To make a long story short, my fasting blood sugar has dropped considerably since I stopped drinking coffee from my plastic drip coffeemaker.
First a little explanation about coffee. When most Americans drank perked coffee in the 1950's coffee was associated with heart attacks. But nowadays drip coffee is protective of heart attacks and diabetes because the paper filters out the toxic oils in coffee that cause problems.
Some people get around this by covering the coffee in paper within a STAINLESS STEEL percolator, in effect drip coffee from a percolator. But drinking espresso or using the French press does not provide the protection of a paper filter.
A little word about Bisphenol A (BPA). Look it up, it is a chemical in plastics that is released in food especially when heated. Causes heart disease, diabetes, etc. It has taken years to finally get it out of baby bottles but it is still in most food containers.
If you google “BPA free coffeemakers” you will see pages and pages. Apparently somebody is concerned about it. But more information will tell you that all plastics will release hormone disrupting chemicals when heated whether they have BPA or not.
I first noticed a drop in my blood sugar while traveling for extensive periods of time, getting my morning brew from McDonald's, etc. But my FBS would be higher when I returned home. As an experiment I quit drinking from my plastic coffeemaker and my blood sugar has remained low.
FYI. Other sources of BPA are in all canned foods except canned goods from Eden Foods. Canned tomatoes are the worst because the acid from the tomatoes leaches more chemicals into the food.
You can try this experiment yourself by avoiding coffee from all plastic coffeemakers for a couple of weeks. It makes no difference whether the plastic claims to be BPA-free or not. Hopefully your blood sugar will come down.