I have been doing a tapering dose of prednisone since December 29, now i am at 25 mg. and only stopped seeing blood for 5 days then i saw a little blood yesterday. Anyway, other than that my stools are formed and the urgency is not so bad I usually only go once or twice in the morning and then I am good for the day. I am still on balsalazide 9 pills a day and using the canasa morning and night because the blood is bright red. I am at a point of throwing up my hands and surrender and just be happy I am not going multiple times a day and live with the blood. It is not a lot of blood and only on the tp paper not mixed in. I have written to my doctor yesterday through the hospital website they have set up, in the hopes he doesn't think I am a pain, to see what he thinks I should do about
this. I have asked him at my appointment a week ago If I should change my oral medication (balsalazide) for something different and he said he wouldn't change it yet maybe wait 3 months after the prednisone. I really feel that i would have wasted all this time on pred if another medicine would have worked better, but of course, I don't know that, so I will go with what he says. On a good note the pred has not caused me any side effects at all, except for a little more energy in the morning.
I also started taking bee propolis two days ago, georges aloe vera, cholophyll liquid, turmeric and bromelain, still using vsl#3 ds. I am eating very well and try to only eat chicken, fish butternut squash, and limit any sugar, although i haven's completed eliminated all sugar, gluten free also.
So do you think I should just give up and live with the little bit of blood I have each morning?