Context of my flare : Holidays and bad decisions and then accidentally eating leftovers from before Christmas. The grip I had on a budding flare was lost and I was in free fall. One gulp of water triggers a UC attack and subsequent sprint to the restroom right ? 20-30 times per day? Uh-oh. I am in trouble now. Tense conversation at work or home same result every time right ? Straight through the night. Up staring at an old non-empty bottle of prednisone and old ( useless ) rectal meds. Boy was I desperate. Not making that kind of decision at 2:00 am.
Psyllium seed powder, Qing Dai & Suflasalazine kept me from an emergency room flare. Work became difficult in this condition and things continued to worsen which was my primary concern. Where is this headed ?
Then I self diagnosed as Bile Acid Diarrhea and found this link : Diarrhea Through DietIt is a great link. I kept the core treatment above and went to APPLE PECTIN pills that had the lid off for 3 years and calcium while switching out my whey protein for hemp protein with pseed powder with VSL3DS.
I was sitting at work at the end of my rope wondering what the best thing to do about
my situation. When suddenly my energy was back my stools were formed and no blood. I felt so good I began abusing myself with coffee and other energy drinks again to get busy and get things done.
I can see I am still healing but its been 24 hours now and it is still working and I slept like a baby last night and for the first time in years awoke feeling re-energized.
I continue to down APPLE PECTIN pills I bought years ago and stored in my pantry with many useless snake oils. Too much Psyllium 'Husk' was making urgency more dire where APPLE PECTIN allows me have control. I stuffed a large pizza down my gullet over lunch with a future business partner. Of course later in the hour I thought I should go to mensroom but did not need to interrupt him until he left. OMG what an improvement.
I still have UC and healing will take a while but I never bounced out of a deep flare so abruptly before.
Filtered water did not help.
Perfect tooth paste did not help.
Mojave bentonite clay did not help.
Hydrolized ( pre-digested ) whey protein for meal replacement did not help.
GBF - Germinated Barley Foodstuff did not help
The list is long and it is clear what is working now.
Good luck