Garylouville said...
IamCurious conveniently quoted one of my posts and then turned around and edited out part of it to misrepresent what I had written.
I didn't misrepresent what you had written. All I did was leave out that perfunctory line that you think provides CYA to what you repeatedly always try to say:
that it may take months or even years of assiduously avoiding gluten before seeing benefit, if any, and
“there are also those that go gluten free when they don't actually have a gluten problem”.
The implication is that going gluten-free is mainly a fad for us participating in the anti-gluten “cult”. So there is really no real reason for anyone to take seriously anything we wish to share about
what works for us.
Let the other members read you entire post and allow them to draw their own conclusions:
Garylouville said...
I doubt you will get much advice on this. The gluten police will tell you that it must be cut out completely, for months or even years or even for life. One slip up or regular slip ups and going "gluten free" is of no value. For those that truly have a gluten problem there may be some truth to this. I say do it your way and see what happens but be forewarned that those in the police force will be quick to tell you that if you want it to work you have to jump in with both feet and be serious about not having any slip ups.