Thank you kindly for the responses. Im glad to hear that my GI's plan seems reasonable and no real red flags raised
I'm definitely not opposed to seeing a dietician. I'm hopeful that I can find some mild improvements of what ever it is still causing my colon to be cranky.
Gary- my GI hasn't officially diagnosed me with ibs (though an old GP did years ago based on symptoms alone
but that's another story). My GI told me it's quite common for ibs to appear after any kind of trauma in the colon(severe food poisoning, bad infection, ibd, etc.), which I can accept easier than the "ibs just happens" explanation.
DMC- I take salofalk suppositories, 1g (I'm in Canada).
PB4- stress, anxiety, emotions etc etc definitely makes my poopin act up. I saw a psychologist for a little over a year and found it helpful. I learned relaxation techniques, anxiety coping tools, and even did some hypnosis. Have you tried therapy for the stress? It might be a missing link for your treatment as dietician may be for mine! **fingers crossed for us all**
thanks again guys.