Peter is aware and informed of what goes on here. I understand not everyone may agree with our locking of specific posts and the timing thereof; it may not be a popular decision. However, the gluten talk has since continued in new threads and had been a lot more productive since then.
As a generalization (not referring to any user in particular) far as decorum and rules go, please be respectful of others: no personal-attacks, insults, and avoid in-fighting in threads as those are against forum rules. Productive discussion/debate is great, it happens all the time, as we have lots of opinions and different points of view, but try to keep it on topic and respectful. The most common reason for threads get locked are that users are attacking other users and it is off the OP's topic.
It's often best to respectfully disagree with others whose opinions differ from yours and if things get heated, let it go, rather than taking it very personally, calling them out by name and starting an attack (as I see happen). As when it does, posts get edited, deleted and so forth; it's a moderated forum; reachout to any of us (our emails are in our profiles).