Duffle said...
Poppie - Interesting point I wonder how much of this happens within families. It was after I was diagnosed that the problems my dad had all his life slotted into place. Sadly a different era completely (born in 1918) he was scalded by boiling water as a child and told that memory of this led to his urgency. He believed that nearly all his life. Total bloody crap ... But didn't realise until my problems started. Quite sad really. Families have a responsibility to share medical information.
Your right! its a shame that sometimes important information is never shared. I can remember my sister years ago mentioning she had Crohns, but she didn't elaborate, she just said she had to watch what she ate, there was never any mention of diarrhea and blood, and I never thought to investigate. (I also live in a different Country to my family) I think stopping smoking was the trigger for my UC (its a well known trigger) maybe if I had known more back then I might have just cut down, and not totally stopped, bearing in mind my family history, of grandma, sister, and now two nieces, all with Crohns.
I can remember my life seemed a whole lot more fun back then!!