Just read this and it got my blood boiling, many of us have been here before, for sure. Being sick in the USA totally sucks.
New York Times: Even Insured Can Face Crushing Medical Debt, Study Finds
www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/upshot/lost-jobs-houses-savings-even-insured-often-face-crushing-medical-debt.htmlA new survey, the first detailed study of Americans struggling with medical bills, shows that insurance often fails as a safety net.
Of the people in the survey reporting difficulty with their medical bills, 34 percent lacked health insurance, 39 percent had insurance through work, 14 percent were covered through public programs, and 7 percent had purchased their own health plans.
Medical Problems Lead to Financial Sacrifices
People who reported problems paying medical bills in the last year told pollsters they’d done the following:
insured vs uninsured
77% 64% Put off vacations, major purchases
75% 62% Cut back on household spending
63% 51% Used up all or most of savings
42% 40% Taken an extra job or worked more hours
38% 24% Increased credit card debt
37% 38% Borrowed money from friends or family
34% 39% Been unable to pay for food, heat, housing
15% 12% Borrowed money from a payday lender
14% 23% Changed living situation, such as moving
11% 15% Sought the aid of a charity or nonprofit