Posted 5/5/2016 12:17 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all!
I'm new to Healingwell and I've been reading quite a few posts about UC. First, I'd like to say that it's a very ugly disease. I'm sorry for all of you who are suffering thru this. I hope one day there will be a cure.
So here's my story. On Saturday night, I got the most intense pain in my stomach that I have ever experienced in my life. On a scale, it was a 13/10. Absolute pure torture! Then I felt like I needed to pass a BM. I limped to the bathroom (just had spinal surgery last Wednesday) only to feel incredibly nauseous. So then I projectile threw up everywhere. I got the cold sweats all over me while I was sitting on the toilet to pass a BM. I finally went but it wasn't over. I had to keep going. I passed about 10 BMs all solid. I was finally able to lay down again and go to sleep. Woke up the next morning with more stomach pain and more urgency. So I went but this time it was diarrhea. Only blood came out though, no stool. I had to go again and same thing happens. So I went to the ER. They did a CT scan and told me that my intestines was inflamed. They told me to follow up with a GI doc. So I went to the GI doc yesterday. He sent me out for more labwork and an X-ray which I haven't had a chance to do yet. For **** sake, I need to recover from my back surgery. When it rains, it hurricanes! Anyways, the doc also told me to drink 2 bottles of magnesium citrate because I haven't had a BM since Sunday's diarrhea episode. It is 8:00pm est and I just finished the first bottle which I started 3 hours ago. I still haven't had a BM but I know it could still take another 3 hours or maybe longer. I haven't peed at all today. I haven't peed for almost 24 hours.
Also, while at the hospital, the ER doc said I most likely have UC.
My questions are:
1) what could be the reason(s) for not passing a BM and now no urine? Do you think the inflammation has spread and blocking me from going to the bathroom at all?
2) what happens if the inflammation goes untreated? How long could I fart around and leave it untreated before something worse happens? I'm really not supposed to be getting out of bed for at least another week.
I feel really really bloated right now. I've been drinking fluids all day which should've made me use the bathroom. I feel like the docs might be pushing me aside and not taking this seriously. Maybe they aren't because it isn't really serious?
Thank you in advance for your response/advice!!! :)