fasteddy said...
ipoop- seems more urgent in the mornings. Mainly a lot of gas. Rest of the day has been pretty good over the last couple of weeks. Not solid but also not the other
Rowasa enema for sure then, it treats urgency at the source! Much like Eskimos have 50 words for different types of snow, so do we for poop. Fluffy/mushy poop with ragged edges is likely what you have, a type 6 on the bristol stool chart've healed a lot. Having increased gas and semi solid bms is a great sign of progress. Urgency and blood are often the very last symptoms to go away.
Remission is what treatment aims for, a total absence of uc symptoms. It gives you the longest periods of being symptom free, and the least likelihood of flares. I'm in remission now, 1 normal bm a day without urgency. And that's what your normal should be, no urgency and just a couple bms a day.