I'm new here. What I've read so far has been, umm, overwhelming... as I guess I have to ask questions that relate to me personally.
I'm 26 and was diagnosed with Mild (not that it feels mild) UC just over a month a ago.
Before that I think I was suffering in silence for goodness knows how many years, the doctors just gave me painkillers and told me I had bad periods that to my frustration never got investigated further.
When, at the beginning of this year, I finally got the courage to tell them about
all the blood from behind, the extreme tiredness and constant pain, they rushed through lots of tests and hospital visits. The anxiety then sent me off work as the world around me tumbled a bit!
I was prescribed Mesalazine (pentasa) 1g two tablets as a single daily dose, and Mesalazine (Ascol) 1g foam enema once a day.
The foam enema scared the hell out of me, so it took a few days of staring at, getting it out, putting it back, nearly doing it, until I was brave enough to have a go.
All went well, I thought, and I felt a bit proud for finally shoving that thing into a place nothing should go
IN to!
Within a few minutes I felt weird in my lower stomach and within the hour I was going to the loo every half hour or hour-ish. I felt nauseous and woozy, and I wasn't up for eating or doing anything the next day, I spent it in bed saying I'd never do that again!
I tried it again a few days later, pretty much same outcome, a few less toilet trips. Still very nauseous.
I left it a week before I tried it again, 3rd time lucky I thought.
It was the same nauseous feeling for 2 days after but the toilet trips weren't all as bad.
I haven't done it since.
Am I just having a bad reaction to that one?
Or are they all as bad because I've been reading a lot the enemas are the best treatment for flares.
Sorry for the essay. Look forward to some advice please and thank you