Posted 8/29/2016 6:31 AM (GMT 0)
I basically got a psoriatic arthritis diagnosis slapped on me, based on my symptoms and having psoriasis. My skin wasn't in a bad flare but before the onset of UC, my joint pain was pretty bad. I'm guessing some other type of arthritis on top of what I got, the joint pain that comes with UC. I just saw a new Rhuemy, a hipster kind of guy, lol, he has gauges in his ears. He twisted all my sh$t around, listening for bones grinding. He did that and an all over type exam but that was it. He had results from my CRP test from my GI, so he didn't bother with another one. It's the hip thing at night that's a byotch but it's been a lot better since I went on Humira. My feet used to hurt like hell too, even not being on them. Humira was my savior. I'm back to walking, hiking and strength training. I'm an avid knitter and spinner, so it's helped that too. I was afraid of permanent joint damage, specifically in my feet and hips, which is why I saw Rhuemy again.
I tried tumeric, still taking it even though it didn't do a whole lot. My Rhuemy was on board with diet mods like less gluten, more plant based type of changes, mindful that I have UC. He gave me a pamphlet on stretches and exercises good for joint pain and the suggestion I switch it up with swimming laps or water aerobics because it's easier on joints. If you could get another round of PT or OT, that might be helpful.
We are unfortunately prime targets for arthritis type stuff. As if the friggen UC ain't enough.