Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I was taken off of Remicade in December due to the dreaded antibody formation, and excruciating joint pain. Ugh! It was always a constant battle to get my insurance to approve my next infusion, so I wasn't sad to end that course of treatment anyway.
I was put on Humira 4 weeks after my last Remi infusion, and so far it's been great! I get the Humira "hangover" the day after injection so I give up every other Saturday to laying around feeling like crap. By Sunday, I feel like a new person.
I'm on a double dose of Humira, meaning that it's been prescribed for weekly injection but because of the hangover, my doc said it's ok to have two shots together each two weeks. For a couple of days before my injections are due, my joint pain is increased, but it is not intolerable.
This is SO MUCH BETTER than scheduling my life around infusion appointments. I travel when I want with my little cooler of injection pens.
One thing I've been wondering about
is whether or not I really have UC or if the flares I've suffered were only C diff infections. Not sure how to tell, but the only flares I've had were eventually diagnosed as having C diff.
Other than a good quality probiotic, and thyroid replacement, the Humira is my only prescript
BTW, has anyone heard of the new biologic named Taltz? It targets IL-17 and is used for psoriasis. With the history of other biologics, I wonder if it may be used for UC sometime in the future.
Post Edited (geeker) : 9/22/2016 5:59:00 PM (GMT-6)