Hi all I'm new to this so I ll explain my situation. I started with bleeding with bm and some mucus without bm in july last year , after seeing 2 GP's I was told I had hemmoroids an sent on my way with suppositories. I saw a third gp and explained how anxious I was and she agreed to blood tests and a stool sample, all bloods came back fine but the stool sample showed raised calprotectin levels so I was referred to a gastroenterologist. I saw the consultant in October who was sure it was hemmoroids but sent me for a sigmoidoscopy which I had on the 24th of November. During the sigmoidoscopy I was told they could see inflamation in the first 4 inches of my rectum and diagnosed with proctitis. 7 biopsies were taken and I was given a prescript
ion for asacol suppositories and sent away to wait for the biopsy results . I received a copy of the letter sent from the consultant to my gp which states I they suspected proctitis during the sigmoidoscopy but my biopsies were all completely normal .there was no inflamation at all . He has said he will have a follow up appointment with me and possibly get another sigmoidoscopy done if i continue with symptoms . Since starting the suppositories I have had the odd bm with a small amount of bleeding and a small amount of mucus without bm but I think that could be down to drinking coffee ( I only seem to get it for a few days after if I drink coffee ) . I am still waiting for my follow up appointment with the consultant but really don't know what's going on