clo2014 said...
U B Tough,
There was a doctor in California that went overseas yearly and performed surgical corrections on RVF. His success rate was high.
I can not find his name again. Maybe someone here will remember him. He fixed RVF from the vagina side so he would not impact continence.
Clo, that would be awesome. Thank you.
I did find this Italian Doctor using cryotherapy, which is interesting.
Suzy---I had a breakdown on Friday night. I actually thought of reaching out to you but I didn't think you'd want to hear me blubbering. I;m in shock. I couldn't go to HB yesterday due to pain. You can literally feel this thing pushing up against vag wall. It's like a fist punching through. I took 4 percocets yesterday. I got a script
for CBD oil and hopefully it' will arrive today.
The good news is that everything was working well. My bowel was/is really good. All fistulas were healing. RVF had closed.
Best case scenario is that the abscess bursts on it's own, which will be insanely painful and will take a while given that the bottom tract out to hole near rectum has completely closed. Worst case in that I end up in ER. The surgeon is on vacation until Monday.
I finally have an appointment on Wed with the uro-gyne. I don't think he will do a nerve block etc this appointment. At least he can see exactly what's going on. I'll have my period though. Unsure if he would be able to see rvf though.
My GI hasn't returned Tuesdays email.
Is is worth me getting an appointment at Mayo?