Are you currently on any medications to treat your ulcerative colitis?
If your symptoms have gotten worse, have you contacted your gasteroenterologist yet? If not then you should asap.
C diff and UC flare symptoms overlap, and are nearly identical (diarrhea, blood, urgency, increased bm frequency, pain and discomfort, fatiguen and others). Whenever our symptoms suddenly get worse, it is therefore essential to get a stool test to check for c diff and other infectious causes. We're much more prone to getting c diff than the general population.
If you're curious about
c diff, here's a link from a good source with more information're not doctors and therefore cannot tell you if your UC is flaring or if you have c diff. See your doctor and he/she can run some tests and determine what you have going on. There's no reason to be scared or terrified. Rather just be diligent and prompt about
getting your tests and getting checked out. UC is a disease characterized by periods of remission and flares. Catch potential flares early before they get exponentially worse!