Hello People reading this, I have never written or been on any forums but I need advice, I am 25yr old Male, I was just diagnosed last week, I lost 20lb in 5 weeks, My abdomen was in severe pain and my whole body hurt, Honestly kept thinking that I had cancer.
I went to the ER 5 times in 5 weeks and all they could say is that it might be an ulcer and that I was acting too anxious. on the 6th week I saw a GI, He barely looked at me and just ordered an endoscope for a month later (Free health care 4 yuh). I realized that this free health care was holding me back, so I went with a well known GI Dr in Mexico, spoke with him for 2min and he already knew what I had, felt my abdomen and knew it was inflamed, ordered a colonoscopy 2 days later.
Results and biopsy showed moderate UC, just took Salofalk and Espacil this last week. it took 2 days and the pills took affect very well, but I would get really Horrible migraines, I'm now on 5mg prednisone & Salofalk for 3 months. I don't have to use the restroom as much as people that I have read about
on this forum, nor do I have stool with blood. but I'm not sure if its just the medication, because I practically go completely normal now, but I still get a little pain in my lower left abdomen from time 2 time. I will be getting a colonoscopy here in Cali hopefully soon. Thanks for taking your time to read this
Really Appreciate it.
1)Is there anybody reading this that thinks you can beat this by the right diet, exercise, probiotics, vitamins, and other natural remedies? If so have you tried?
2) If your stool is normal when your off meds, do you need the meds?
3) Can this be controlled?? or is it more likely it will get progressively worse?
4) If there is no flare, is there no harm being done????
5) What should I and shouldn't I worry about
4)Food Advice