Hi RyanC,
I drank a glass of raw milk everyday when I was in flare which dramatically improved it within a day and I went into remission shortly after - I bought it from calf at foot dairy and they delivered it to my door (UK).
I've been in remission for about
three years now - any time I think I'm getting a bit worse I drink raw milk for a few days and so far so good. It may be a coincidence but for me personally it is something that I will continue.
Prior to this I was in remission for 6 months max for 6 years or so and was diagnosed with pancolitis and in hospital for 10days to control it with some mega drugs and discussions with surgeons about
possibly removing my colon.
I generally eat unprocessed foods and cook a lot more now. I also eat very little meat and dairy. I exercise a few times a week. Who knows if this has contributed to my remission but if it ain't broke....
Good luck with it all. I hope you find something that works for you.
All the best