I think it can affect me personally. But I tend to push everything in my life to extremes (ok I used to). I am now on a mission to figure out what will work.....how far I can push it......do I have to give up endurance sports? I hope not !
I am so sorry I have no concrete answers. In my case, I have come to believe that any extra intense stress is bad for my disease.....and this is a collective situation. It doesn't present immediately......and because of the "time lapse" I don't realize I am screwing myself over until it's too late and my flare develops.
I now see ANY intense stress as a bad idea (for ME personally---not you guys----I have no idea what's best for you
). This includes emotional stress or allowing my work to become overly stressful.....all of it.
My new passion is meditation and talking about
what bothers me. I tend to hold things in. This is a big red flag nowadays. No self abuse, even exercise is a form of self abuse when done too excessively (without proper recovery time allowed).
Just my 10 cents. I am super curious about
others thoughts on this though.....it's a work in progress and I feel like a detective, lol.