Doggiedo said...
So sorry you’re going through the same thing. But it does make me feel like at least it’s not just me! How long were you on it most recently? And what dosage?
I’ve been on it longer when i was in my 20s but it hit me hard this time for some reason. I was on anywhere from 40-60 mg from Feb- May and then tried to taper, unsuccessfully. I stayed between 20-40 until my surgery in late Aug and didn’t taper completely until the end of Sept/early Oct. 9 months isn’t long, for me, but my body sure disagrees!
From reading other posts it may even take a few months to get better. I may give my gastro doc a call and see if he has any suggestions. I’ll never get my strength back post surgery if i can’t walk without pain!
I was on Prednisone for 13 months, which is a long time. The dosage varied, latterly it was high (60) when I was admitted to the hospital. I wont take anything, I am just going to ride it out, but I think your situation is a bit different, having just had surgery, you need to move around a lot and so I think I would see someone in your shoes. I am sorry you're having to deal with this as it is very painful on top of everything else that you have been through..