If I could do it, you can. I wouldn't go so far as to say it is horrific, but it's certainly not fun. I was out of the hospital fairly quickly after each step, without complications, so I had pretty much the ideal situation so far as surgeries go.
From Sickly to UC FreeI made a long post about
it - read above link, but feel free to ask me anything. It has set me free from a life of worry, expenses and drugs, and ultimately, that's what was most important to me. I don't think I would have ever lived well with the limitations UC had put on me so far as appointments, blood draws, drugs, medical expenses were involved... I am a very low maintenance person. Having those types of necessities was something I really didn't want impacting my life forever.
I just passed 2 years from my takedown and things have been up and down, but compared to life with UC, it's mostly been a piece of cake for me. I know others have had a harder time, so please do not take my experience as word of truth. It is different for everyone. I still get frustrated when I get up in the night and need to go to the bathroom. I don't like going more often. I don't like the sounds, but the trade-off is being able to go out without worrying about
accidents & that's worthwhile. I can work a fulltime career, I can eat what i want, I don't spend money or time worried about