DBwithUC said...
I do not think this was just stress.
The research is pretty clear that a single acute stressor of less than a day has never been shown to produce a flare almost immediately. That is magic and does not happen.
The research has show some association between chronic stress over months and onset of flares. The picture is less clear for weeks, but I think it can happen just to fewer people so was not picked up statistically.
Thinking is that hormone levels, especially cortisol stress hormone, trip um immune system in ways that facilitate flares. Maybe the chronic stress also has a direct effect on the gut microbes.
Anyway the relation is between chronic stress and flares - for some but not all people. The relation is not between a "bad day" and flares.
Possibly you were sub-clinical. Maybe you were simmering with inflammation that was just below noticeable symptoms. Maybe the stressful 40 minutes pushed you just above the "noticeable symptoms" line. But in such a case it would be wrong to say that the single stressor had caused the whole flare.