Yeah, I never had any problems with dehydration either. Admittedly I never had a loop ileo, only an end one, but I never felt I was remotely close to being seriously dehydrated except for one time - and that's when I got norovirus. That wiped me out for a few days, much more than a similar attack would have done in the past.
Anyway, apologies if you already know this, but dehydration isn't just about
loss of water - it's also loss of electrolytes. No commercial sports drink, e.g. gatorade, is a true electrolyte solution because it would contain too much salt to be palatable to most people. Make sure you're getting enough salt (sodium choloride) and other electrolytes (e.g. potassium, magnesium) as well as water. Not having a colon makes you much more prone to electrolyte deficiencies.
I tried to find out the electrolyte content of Gatorade. And yeah, it's as I thought - the sodium content isn't nearly high enough for somebody with a high-outputting ileo: 160mg of sodium is nothing. dunno the exact type of Gatorade you're drinking, but I checked a couple of others and it was about
the same. Anyway, what I sometimes do with sports drinks is add quarter a teaspoon of table salt to a 500ml bottle (no extra sugar, it doesn't need it!). I can't even taste the salt and yet it frequently feels more rehydrating when I drink it.
PS: Mildly interestingly, over the Christmas period I was in hospital and they found out I had a phosphate deficiency. All my other electrolyes were apparently okay, it was just phosphate which was low. Anyway, they prescribed a phospate solution which corrected it.