Posted 4/2/2018 7:13 PM (GMT 0)
Hi All,
It's been awhile since I've been here - was doing well on Remicade for the past year. We increased my infusions to every four weeks back in October when I was still getting symptoms, and I hit remission in December.
Last month, I started noticing a little bleeding here and there, some urgency, etc. Not terrible at all - I'm still eating normally and 0-2 bathroom trips per day, thankfully no tenesmus or anything like that.
We just did a calprotectin test to assess inflammation, and sure enough, it's high (329).
The Remicade has caused some liver damage - I had a liver biopsy back in December - and as my liver numbers started coming back down, the UC symptoms have slowly returned and ESR started coming back up. So - we think I'm not responding to the Remicade anymore.
I'm going in tomorrow or Wednesday for a flex sig to determine the extent of inflammation, but we need to consider next steps. GI feels we will not bump the Remicade dose up - my Remicade levels have been very stable and no antibodies - so we will look at changing drugs altogether.
Recommendations? Entyvio? Stelara? What's out there? What's well tolerated and working?