notsosicklygirl said...
I agree with the others. How about rowasa? I don't think imuran is a bad idea, but I do understand it's difficult to accept the potential side effects of any new daily medication, even if they are rare. I wouldn't expect to have any crazy issues with immunity or infection from imuran, most people don't, but you never know and you're smart to question. How about using the uceris foam longer? Maybe every other day, or every few days? Would that keep you in check?
I did well on 6mp personally. Didn't have many side effects, suffered from some fatigue, but i always do, so I can't be sure it was related. Diet never helped me, but if you've had luck with it in the past, of course, I would go that route before drugs. I personally didn't believe diet would help me because it hadn't when I tried it many times prior, and I didn't want to waste away into the depths of severe UC. You know what works for you. If you have a diet plan that's worked, you should try it!
Would the Rowasa be a permanent addition? I'm just wondering because I know a lot of people stay on enemas long-term and it works for them, but if I had to do that every day or even every other day indefinitely, I'd probably honestly opt for Imuran. But that might not be wise, I don't know.
If I can keep using the foam, great, but I'm thinking he wanted to limit the amount of time I was on it because it's a steroid. Every few days might be okay, but I wonder if the flare would just keep coming back every time I tried to get off of it.
I haven't tried any diets except for low-residue right after I was diagnosed. It didn't seem to help, but I probably need to give some other diets a chance. I'm terrible with eating well, so it would be a major life change.
Thank you for the input!