countess18 said...
If your toxins are negative then you DO NOT have C diff. You can always test positive for the gene either by PCR or GDH because once you have had C diff you can carry the gene forever. If you keep treating based on PCR or GDH you will be over treating and throw your gut flora off even more. For awhile the PCR was the gold standard but within the last 5 years UC Davis did a study that said C Diff was overtreated. I almost got over treated as I had +PCR but negative toxins. An infectious disease doc at University of Pennsylvania stopped my local GI from ordering Vancomycin and I was fine meaning no active infection. I then switched to a U of Penn GI as well. So if it says toxin assays are negative than you do not have an active infection although you may carry the DNA of C diff. I hope I read your report right.
I see. I may have read things wrong, and will try to find out more.