Posted 2/6/2019 6:30 PM (GMT 0)
Hi IBDGal,
Kefir Milk from grains has worked tremendously for me. This one simple change has done more for my UC than any medication, diet change, attitude change, and so on. When I now meet someone with IBS, UC, etc., I tell them about Kefir Milk. It has had 100% success rate in those who have tried it (6 people, so it’s not like a million, but still 100%).
My trek to Kefir Milk started with vegetable & fruit smoothies in a Vitamix, then juicing with a slow masticating juicer (I will use carrots, celery, apples, oranges, etc. in varying amounts – all the stuff we’re told to avoid), finding a high-quality vegetable based enzyme, kefir water, and now Kefir Milk (in addition to smoothies/juice, but not daily like I used I can skip a few days).
I use a Kefir grains starting pack, but I can’t recall the brand, and whole milk. I warm the milk a bit – not boiling, not hot, just warm to the touch – and mix it with the grains in two 1-quart Ball Jars. I cover the jars w/a towel and leave on the counter for 24 hours and then refrigerate. When I’m down to the last ¼ of the second jar, I warm more milk and split the last jar’s remaining amount into two jars – this continues the Kefir from the same grains. I’ve used the ‘same’ grains for over 6-months now.
History leading to Kefir:
The Vitamix smoothies, juicing, and enzymes gave me a lot more energy, boosted immune system, I slept better, and had less flares – all resulting in less trips to the bathroom. Kefir multiplied the success.
Kefir & beyond:
Once I integrated Kefir milk, I’d say it quadrupled the success of smoothies/juicing/enzyme. Where I had to stay away from spicy foods, donuts, fast food, and all the other bad foods we are told to avoid, Kefir Milk allows for such indulgences whether it be convenience, hanging with friends, and/or time-saving meals (e.g. fast food, restaurants, etc.). I will over do things from time to time because I’m stupid, and Kefir gets me back on track very quickly. Month-long flares are down to days; 9 on the pain scale is reduced to a 2; urgency has all but been eradicated; bathroom time has been reduced by 90%, at least.
If I go without fast food, spicy, 7 layer bean dip with 3 different bean layers, and other old flare triggers, Kefir keeps everything in balance, so to speak. Solid poo, quick evacuation, not having to go back and sit 4 times in 20 minutes to get everything out, and a huge drop in the quantity of TP I use when wiping. And, I am not going potty because I am leaving to go, well, anywhere. I’m not having to memorize where all the clean bathrooms are on the way to any location.
If I’m off Kefir (why? Well, because I’m stupid.) and if I begin to bleed/flare, Kefir stops the pain, bleeding, and discomfort within a day or two, versus having weeks on end of pain, blood, and urgency – not to mention a poor attitude. For me, it’s been amazing. So amazing, I’ve been off my UC meds for 2 years. My liver thanks me, as my blood tests keep showing.
-Probiotic: I take an enzyme from an MLM called Tranont, called “Life”. I buy it from a friend. It works for me and is is lower priced than getting it from Whole Foods or the like.
-Kefir dosage: On average, I take about 4-6 oz per day in the evening. At first, the evening Kefir had me up in the middle of the night with a little gas and going #2, so I changed to morning. After my body adjusted to the goodness, I went back to evening. At times, I’ll simply take a couple big chugs throughout the day versus one glass in the evening.
-Recently, I researched and am trying a non-THC CBD oil - it's been working well. A friend's 10 year old son has Chron's and it has made massive difference for him within 2 weeks. It's a new add to my daily routine and it's made positive changes, too.
I truly hope this helps!