I never believe claims of supplement manufacturersAnd don't believe supplement manufacturers who say their product is custom made for IBDers.
Forvia has excellent promo and advertising but when you look at their formula you can see that it is a mediocre vitamin with excessive amounts of iron and B12. Most men do not need iron, in fact most vitamins for men do not contain any. Forvia has almost twice the amount of iron that is recommended for women. Of course some men will OD on it.
I guess B12 is important especially if you have Crohn's because it is not absorbed well in Crohn's patients. But I would never take that much unless my B12 levels were checked and were found to be below normal. If you need more iron then take a women's multivite or take iron separately.
Check out this post about
the dangers of Forvia vitamins:
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=2038523Forvia claims to be the multi that was specifically designed for Crohn's and IBD. But when you look at their ingredients it appears that they are an expensive gimmick. Their multi consists of a mediocre formula with enormous amounts of B12 added. I believe their supplement is overpriced for what you get.
I would rather choose a more comprehensive and less expensive multi that is easy on the stomach and add B12 and iron separately only if needed. Since I have a chronic condition
I regularly check my blood levels of B12, folic acid, iron, and vitamin D to see where I stand.
Forvia has the cheap, artificial version of vitamin E, (dl-alpha-tocopherol), and they claim to purposely omit magnesium. Yes it's true that massive doses of magnesium can cause diarrhea but most people are deficient, especially those with IBD who have difficulty absorbing it.
I recommend comparing labels.