MarkWithIBD said...
If you don't have any knowledge of UC or anyone to advocate for you, and you're not willing to take a risk by going home and trying alternative treatments despite your suffering, then your chances are not good that you'll keep your bowel.
You are a new member here — Mark has a long history of saying very provocative things on this forum like EMF/WIFI and Bluetooth affect his UC. Mark denies it and doesn’t like to be called an antivaxxer but he repeats the antivaxxing talking points of the Russian Trolls and Infowars.
A few months ago he was warned by the mods for saying a very insensitive thing about
Mark won’t see what I wrote because he recently blocked me because I pointed these things out.
I’ve been on this forum since 2005, I don’t recall anyone being in the hospital for multiple months ever being able to walk out of the hospital because of non-medical “alternative treatments”. I would be very weary of that suggestion.
I’ve been in the hospital for over 100 days due to my UC and it sucks. I hope that your father gets the care that he needs and is out of the hospital soon. If I were you I’d walk right into the hospital administrators office and demand help, I’d drive to the state insurance regulatory agency and ask for help and I’d be on the phone everyday with your dad’s insurance company (you’d probably need some authorization to speak on his behalf).