Posted 9/22/2021 5:19 PM (GMT 0)
Inflammation of UC starts at the happens in increments.
So...what we perceive, what we tolerate, when we seek doctor's help, what the doctor deems important to test for (because they first ass-ume hemmies) and when things get more obvious for more intensive testing, it all takes a long time. Therefore, our initial diagnosis doesn't mean that's how it started.
Where the inflammation is limited to or extended to most times determines symptoms. As well, within that location, there is what degree of inflammation. One can have limited low rectal severe (ulcerations and friability) inflammation with bleeding, solitary ulcers and severe constipation with it not progressing location. Or one can have higher into the sigmoid, mild inflammation with diarrhea and eventual bleeding (ulcerations and friability), but initial symptoms would have been constipation, bloating, gas, stomach discomfort, etc. Not a noted thing as possible UC. Those were my symptoms for years until I had diarrhea. That lasted another 1.5 years until one day explosive bloody diarrhea that progressed to 15 plus times a day. My then dr still insisted hemmies...after the dreaded barium enema xray, she finally sent me to a gastroenterologist.
Assuming bleeding or diarrhea is an only symptom that one is flaring is incorrect...waiting for that symptom means that the inflammation has gotten to the point of tissue friability. In other words...progressed to that point.
It's a learning process...and while one is healing, the symptoms of regression will change. Just because diarrhea has improved or bleeding has gone...doesn't mean one's flare is over.
How old is your son? Hope he does well on the meds. It's good you're asking lots of questions. The experience of noting his symptoms will help you and him learn to learn subjectively.